Month: January 2022

Cleantech and Cannabis: Sustainability Panel with James Eaves

Host: Lolla Stovall, Counsel, Zuber Lawler Moderator: Janet Jackim, Partner, Zuber Lawler Panelists: Edward Ranger, Lawyer, Ranger Firm Wes Reynolds, CEO, Green Mill Supercritical James Eaves, VoltServer Inc. Ivy Bader, Cleantech and Cannabis: Sustainability Panel with James Eaves

VoltServer Signs New Manufacturer Rep for Florida

VoltServer signs INFOPIPE® as new manufacturer rep for Florida. INFOPIPE® represents premier manufacturing companies that share a common practice of research and development around the new generation workforce. Since 2011, VoltServer Signs New Manufacturer Rep for Florida

VoltServer signs new manufacturer’s rep for the Mid-Atlantic region

VoltServer has signed a manufacturer rep agreement with Network Products Inc (NPI). NPI is the largest and most technically diverse manufacture’s representative organizations in the Mid Atlantic. With expertise in VoltServer signs new manufacturer’s rep for the Mid-Atlantic region

Cannabis Equipment Podcast Features James Eaves

A Fundamentally New Type of Electricity This week on the Cannabis Equipment News podcast, James Eaves, Ph.D, director of indoor agriculture at VoltServer, discusses what he calls the first innovation Cannabis Equipment Podcast Features James Eaves