Digital Electricity™
Is Revolutionizing the Future of Energy
VoltServer’s Digital Electricity is a groundbreaking new way to distribute power. Digital Electricity allows for controlled power distribution that is safe, less expensive, faster to install, more energy efficient, and meets the needs for an increasingly digital world.
Digital Electricity systems offer the convenience and safety of low-voltage, like Power over Ethernet (PoE), with the power and distance capabilities of AC.
How Digital Electricity™ Works
The technology leverages our patented packet energy transfer to deliver significant power over significant distances safely. The technology splits energy into packets and transfers hundreds of packets each second from a Transmitter unit to a Receiver unit. Safety is continuously monitored after every packet and if there is a fault such as improper wiring, a short circuit, or a person is touching the transmission lines, the transmitter recognizes the condition in milliseconds and halts the transmission of packets.
The result is safe electrical transmission at high power levels and an inherent ability to digitally control a host of modern electronic devices connected to the distribution system.
Digital Electricity products are listed and certified to safety and EMC standards by a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory.
Digital Electricity™, Intelligent Power for:
Intelligent Networks
Intelligent Farms
Intelligent Buildings
Benefits of Digital Electricity™
A revolutionary Packetized Energy Transfer protocol protects your employees and facility from electrical hazards with safety checks every few milliseconds. 500 safety checks per second.
Fast and simple to deploy, Digital Electricity requires a fraction of the time and cost to install compared to conventional electricity.
Power LEDs with flexible 18AWG cable from a centralized location: omitting conduit, circuit breakers, LED drivers and other costly infrastructure. Moves, adds, and changes can often be completed by in-house IT staff using the modularity of the platform and Class 2 wiring practices it enables
Monitoring and Control
Monitor, program and optimize energy consumption, DLI, photoperiod and more with native, data-based control software. Natively provides remote monitoring and control of electrical power