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  • Event
    NECA Convention
    September 28 - October 1
    NECA Convention
  • Event
    Free Live Interactive Webcast – Hospitality Building Solutions – Eastern Time Zone
    October 9
    Free Live Interactive Webcast – Hospitality Building Solutions – Eastern Time Zone
  • Event
    Free Live Interactive Webinar – Safe Power Changes Everything. Applied Science of Fault Managed Power Systems.
    November 22
    Free Live Interactive Webinar – Safe Power Changes Everything. Applied Science of Fault Managed Power Systems.
  • Partners
    VoltServer Helps ExteNet Reduce Costs and Delivery Speed
    VoltServer partner ExteNet is featured in the first print issue of Connected Real Estate Magazine. Extenet uses VoltServer’s Digital Electricity...
  • Wireless
    Digital Electricity Powers EE Tethered Drones
    UK Mobile carrier EE, recently demonstrated deployment of “on demand” 4G network coverage for using VoltServer Digital Electricity for power....
  • Funding
    VoltServer Raises $5 Million
    Funding fuels expansion of installations with Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), as well as extending reach to Fiber FTTx, smart LED...
  • Energy Management
    VoltServer receives $1M Grant
    The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced recipients of its Phase II SBIR grant program, with VoltServer receiving nearly $1...
  • Energy Management
    MIT Technology Review: Solar Panels that Configure Themselves
    VoltServer is working with the Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems as part of the US Department of Energy “Plug-and-Play”...
  • Funding
    VoltServer closes $2M Series A financing
    VoltServer closed its Series A round of financing of $2M with participation from the Rhode Island Slater Center, Marker Hill...

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